Text like that called text generator. It's so many text generator, but I choose this blinkie text.
Okay, here you go..
1. http://scripteen.com/demos/glitterzee/ we can make the text generator here, there isi 10 fonts, but it has so many glitter colours! and i am an art soul.
2. http://www.textspace.net/ they made the model for us, and we just write and download it, so easy!
3. http://glowtxt.com/ like the name, "glow". it's better for girlie styles.
4. http://cooltext.com/ I think this is very cool! it like the games logo! see it!
5. http://www.flamingtext.com/ We can make logo here too.. (^^)b
6. http://www.glitter-graphics.com/myspace/text_generator.php It so Girl style!!!
7. http://www.webestools.com/stylish-text-generator-nickname-message-msn-facebook-windows-live-messenger-text-accents-effect-ascii-text.html it's like black berry messenger auto text..

Thanks for view my blog, although only a wink ~_~ !
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